Our Unconditional Commitment to Healthier Animals
Our commitment plays out through our products, services, and technologies, as well as through our support for organizations that prioritize animals, their health and their well-being.

Caring for pets in need
Heart to Paws
Our annual Heart to Paws donation drive, in partnership with veterinary clinics, allows Canadians to gift new or gently used pet accessories to shelters across the country.

Low-stress cattle handling
Creating Connections™
Creating ConnectionsTM is a free program featuring in-person workshops and on-demand training videos, designed to enhance cattle well-being through stress-free handling.

Eliminating rabies globally
The Afya Program
Since 1996, we have supported the Afya Program, through our donations of rabies vaccines. The Program comprises several rabies control projects and non-profit organizations whose vaccination-based campaigns are aimed at eliminating canine-mediated rabies by the year 2030.

Monitoring diseases in various species
Disease Surveillance
We’ve established initiatives like the Equine Biosurveillance Program, National Tick Awareness Month and the B.C. Big Tick Project to help monitor and mitigate the negative impact of diseases on animals and humans.

Giving back
Sponsorship and Support
We champion the well-being of animals through contributions to various health charities and organizations. Beyond monetary donations, we build partnerships that help make a meaningful impact on the communities and the lives of the animals we support.
Discover our other Unconditional Commitments

How we dedicate ourselves to those who watch over animals

Customers and Colleagues
How we cultivate education and develop visionaries

Environmental Sustainability
How we support sustainable and eco-friendly processes
CreatingConnections™ is a trademark of Intervet International B.V., used under license.
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